Aminet 22
Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso
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194 lines
LASERMAX LASER controller v1.10 configure commands
Filename: "S:LASERMAX.config"
LoadSeq1/332 --> Loads a sequence and attaches it to the sequence
gadget number specified (1-332)
LoadScr1/40 --> Loads a screen and attaches it to the preset
gadget number specified (1-40)
SetPreset1/40 --> Sets a preset gadget's lissajous pattern values, text,
gadget name, X/Y location and move speed
Swap --> Swaps left & right movement
AutoPreload --> Turns on automatic preload (see below) for all sequences
AutoAttach --> Turns on automatic screen attaching when loading screen
FastScope --> Turns on fast scope
InvertX --> Inverts X output
InvertY --> Inverts Y output
DrawScopeOff --> Turns off the scope when in draw mode
DrawBtwPoints --> Turns on draw between points when scope is off in draw
DMAOutput --> Turns on DMA output and turns off "Auto DMA output"
Iconify --> Iconifies the screen
BigScreenOff --> Turns off big screen mode (PAL only)
Filter --> Turns off the audio output filter for lissajous patterns
SmoothChange --> Turns on smooth changes between screens etc
NoDrawDrag --> Turns off mouse drag (holding right mouse button down
while moving mouse) for drawing mode
DirectWrite --> Turns on direct screen bit map write
NoSerial --> Turns off the serial port
SetAutoPoints --> Sets the auto points density (1-100%)
SetPatSize --> Sets pattern size (10-127)
SetPatPoints --> Sets pattern points (4-360)
SetHiResXSize --> Sets hi res X size (1-64)
SetHiResYSize --> Sets hi res Y size (1-64)
SetOutputXSize --> Sets output X size (1-64)
SetOutputYSize --> Sets output Y size (1-64)
SetMaxUndos --> Sets the maximum undo history (1-3000)
SetStopDelay --> Sets sound stop delay (1-3000)
MaxPntPerSec --> Sets the maximum points per second (1000-28867)
SetSeqDir --> Sets the sequence files directory
SetScrDir --> Sets the screen files directory
SetFontDir --> Sets the font files directory
SetConfigDir --> Sets the configure files directory
SetEditCmd --> Sets the sequence editor command string
Note: Sequence filename is always "RAM:LASERMAXSequence"
SetTestPat --> Sets the path and filename for the screen default test
pattern screen file
Master --> Turns on master control of a slave Amiga via the
the serial port
Slave --> Turns on slave control from a master Amiga via the
the serial port
SetScrDefXSize1/4 --> Sets the screen default 1-4 X hi res size (0-64)
SetScrDefYSize1/4 --> Sets the screen default 1-4 Y hi res size (0-64)
SetScrDefXPos1/4 --> Sets the screen default 1-4 X position (0-508)
SetScrDefYPos1/4 --> Sets the screen default 1-4 Y position (0-508)
LASERMAX LASER controller v1.10 sequence commands
LC 1[-3]p[s]10
| | | |
| | | l--> Value: Volume 0-64, Freq .1-1000Hz, Phase/Spin/Rotate 0-359
| | | or Rate value of scan sub command 0-3000
| | |
| | l----> Opt. sub command: t-Set max. b-Set min.
| | u-Scan up d-Scan down
| | s-Scan down and up
| |
| l------> Command: v-Volume, f-Frequency, p-Phase, s-Spin, r-Rotate
l-----------> Channel number: Audio channels 0-3 or f-Factory settings
Y (Left 1,2) R | L
^ ---+---
| 127 X | Y
| 0 | 1
| X (Right 0,3) 3 | 2
-127 | 127
v -127
Echo "Text" --> Prints text in the status line
Move X Y S --> Moves LASER to X/Y location (0-508)
at rate S (0-3000). Center: X=254, Y=254
Wait T --> Waits for T (>0) (50/sec)
WaitMove --> Waits for LASER to move to last X/Y location
LoadScreen "Filename" --> Loads a screen file from disk
DrawScreen "Filename" T --> Loads a screen file from disk and draws it
at rate T (1-3000)
MorphScreen "Filename" T --> Loads a screen file from disk and morphs it
from the current screen at rate T (1-3000)
LoadScreen2 "Filename" --> Same as above but preserves rotate & spin
DrawScreen2 "Filename" T --> Same as above but preserves rotate, spin &
morph settings
MorphScreen2 "Filename" T --> Same as above but preserves rotate, spin &
draw settings
Preload --> Preloads all screen files used in the sequence
LoadPack --> Loads a screen pack file straight into preload
memory (fast!)
ShutterOn/Off --> Turns the shutter on/off (Serial: "E/R",
Parallel port: Bit 7 on/off)
StandbyOn/Off --> Turns the LASER standby on/off (Serial: "T/Y")
FastMoveOn/Off --> Turns on/off fast movement
StrobeOn/Off --> Turns on/off strobe effect (shutter on/off)
Replay --> Replays the sequence from this command
TalkToUnit # --> Sets talk to unit number (0=All, 5-9)
Colour V --> Sets the parallel port to colour value V
(Bits 0-5: Inverted 0-63, Bit 6 off)
FX V --> Sets the parallel port to FX value V
(Bits 0-5: Inverted 0-63, Bit 6 on)
Serial V[ V] --> Sends the value V out the serial port
(9600bps, 1 stop, none)
Preset1/40 --> Uses the specified preset gadget
UseScreenDef1/4 --> Uses the specified screen default for hi-res
X/Y size and X/Y position for this sequence
SmoothChange --> Turns on smooth changes between screens for
this sequence only
Stop --> Stops playing the sequence